You will see an immediate return on your investment with regards to your customers being able to use your new website and immediately get in touch with you. Having an easy to use website goes a long way when a customer is deciding which HVAC company they will use.
With regards to your website bringing in new customers through organic search, the speed of results vary based on a few factors. We’ve listed the top contributing factors below and how we address them with site structure, local SEO, and site design.
Competition in the market:
Market size plays the largest role in how quickly we can have your new website ranking on the first page of Google organically (vs. with paid ads at the top of the page). If there are only a few dealers within your market, we can easily get your business to show at the top of search results since each site page we make for you will be outfitted with local SEO, such as “AC Repair Your Service Area (X)”. Because of this practice, if a customer is sitting in location X and types in “AC Repair”, your website will be shown to them because we highlighted the keyword “AC Repair” and service area “X”.
If there are only a few dealers to compete with in your market, you can expect the keyword/ SEO work we put into your new website to boost your site onto page 1 of organic results within a few weeks to a couple of months after site launch. Once your site is ranking high organically, it’s easy to keep it there and continue to grow your business through new online customer referrals. The phone will start ringing more and you will see your website investment start to pay for itself through customer acquisition.
If there are a lot of competing HVAC businesses around you, it will take a bit more time for our keyword/ SEO practices to send your website to the first page of search results. Especially if you’re just starting out, you can expect a new site to take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to work its way into the organic search results for select keyword phrases.
Don’t be discouraged, though! This work does take time, but we’ll start your site off on the right foot and build it for success with great content, great design, and mobile-ready features. If you are in a market with a lot of competing dealers, it’s even more important you choose one of our larger site sizes so search engines have more pages to index, and there is more content to serve to potential customers. Website size DOES make a difference!
Your current site standings:
If you’ve had a website for a while and it isn’t ranking well organically, we can expect your new site to take a few weeks to a few months to begin ranking well. When your new site is launched, we will request new crawls by search engines, showing them the updated site content, design, mobile responsiveness, and awesome user experience. Our keyword/ SEO work will help your new site increase in organic rankings within a few weeks to a few months after launch. Patience is key! Our system does work, and we have the data to prove it!
Your online presence as a whole:
Factors contributing to how well your business ranks in search results include: your website– its content and how frequently it’s updated, its mobile-responsiveness, its user-friendliness, and its linking/ keyword/ meta description structure; your online reviews– positive reviews tell Google you are a good business to show their users searching for your services; and your social media presence– consistently publishing branded, engaging content on social media proves to search engines your business is active and supplies good content for online users. A strategic, consistent social media presence is ESSENTIAL for today’s businesses.
How is your business represented online? Let’s Get Started.